Precio: $2,375,000
Numero de MLS: A11756834
Condominios/Town Home
17555 Collins Ave Unit 1607, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160 USA
This stunning three-bedroom, three-bathroom oceanfront apartment is a true one of a kind, offering breathtaking views and luxury living in the heart of Sunny Isles Beach. With direct oceanfront access, you'll enjoy the serene beauty of the coastline right from your living room. The unit comes complete with two assigned parking spaces, one of which is covered, ensuring convenience and security.Located in a prime area, this property is surrounded by all the vibrant commercial and retail areas, making shopping, dining, and entertainment just steps away. The building itself offers an array of top-tier amenities typically found in a five-star hotel, including a state-of-the-art fitness center, sparkling pools, spa services, and 24-hour concierge. Best line of the building come and see it!..
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